Stars at Night by the Pool in Barbados.
Stars at Night by the Pool in Barbados., a photo by Lunky Barsooth on Flickr.
Fake plastic trees, breasts, ivory towers…Vegas Recap
Las Vegas exists to serve one purpose…get your money from your pocket to their pockets as quickly as possible. I know, I know. Saying something like that is as trite as making fun of air travel, people who can’t drive, and for Minnesotans, any conversation about snow. However, it’s absolutely and stunningly true. I’ve always…
The Vegas Trip
A trip to Las Vegas leaves a lot of questions and mystique.
The Minneapolis Photo-Tour
Laurence, Rod and I went for a little tour of Minneapolis tonight to shoot some photos. I had planned on processing a few images tonight, but ended up processing everything that I will likely want to. I wasn’t going to share these here, but I figured why not…might as well put this blog that nearly…
The spur of the moment
Got a bug to process some more images…here ya go 🙂 Big Ben up close and personal. There was construction this day, so I decided to get close, otherwise you could see scaffolding surrounding the iconic structure. Graffiti underneath: An impromptu skate park along the river down the way from the London Eye. I think…
Got around to processing a few pictures from Amsterdam. Hot of the presses. A bicyclist rides into the wide flames of oblivion. My best attempt at a “Self Portrait” Fly away. Keep it cruel…baby. More to come…Who knows when 🙂 I’m excited though as a few of these might be printed shortly…time to start hanging…
The journey remembered
As I processed pictures tonight I kept telling myself I’d only do a few…I ended up doing a few more than a few when I started to realize how much I’d obsessed over the London Eye. An iconic and really cool piece of London’s riverwalk it visible in so many places and gives so many…
Fun times in Cheshire
Chris and I experimenting with my phone and the beer sampler I had bought. All of the following pictures were taken around Chesire, England. I’ll have more to process, but I’ll break them up into blog posts so there here and on flickr. More to come! lunks
The last European post
The last day in London, I awoke at about 0700, anxious to get going for the day. I had went to bed after writing my last blog update at about 0200, so I didn’t manage to get a whole lot of sleep. I remember watching Big Bang Theory and charging my iPod for the next…
The wistful Londonhead
So, first thing is next, here are the top searches for my blog in the past week: “silly american customs, gay wrestler, crowded veranda.” That’s pretty awesome, I don’t care who you are, getting hits for “gay wrestler” is just funny…anyway, by typing the words “gay wrestler” a few more times, I’m only making it…