The Return
We got back into London on Thursday night in the evening and decided that we weren’t really motivated to do much except have a pint at the local bar and go for a curry down the road. Dave lives within a block of about six different Indian restaurants. So we figured we try and sample a bit…
It’s grim in the North
I wrote last time about Crewe Services or my friend Chris’ house. The house had been rented and Chris has moved in with Secret Agent Cath and the boys. I thought I’d bring Josh up to expose him to the culture in the North. One of the interesting things about England is how dialects and…
The Eurodash
Decided to one of these the old fashioned way on the Virgin Train to Crewe with Josh since it reminds me of the last trip up to see Chris last year, writing everything on my phone, transferring it to the mini and then touching things up from there. We had a pretty uneventful night last…
The Catch-up!
Hey Everyone…I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this trip…but before you assume from the last post ending in my declaration of Munich drinking that I’ve ended up in some basement somewhere, prey to some German who wants to do weird scientific experiments on me, rest assured I’m in Switzerland now…a country known for it’s neutrality!…
The Munich Trip
Everything went well getting to Munich, you can tell by my slight jubilation for Lufthansa in the prior post that I was a fan of their service. We arrived late in the afternoon and sorted out where the hell our hotel was. I have to say, it’s pretty small by American standards. The bathroom is actually smaller…
The something or other…
I’m writing this entry from the Lufthansa flight to Munich…a good way to kill some time I figured. Luckily this HP fits nicely in front of me and the man in front has decided not to recline, yet. I really haven’t used the mini much since I left London in 2010. It really was kind…
The return
I was just over in the big smoke last year in 2010 but I had to keep reminding myself of how mystifying London can be the first time you are here…So I allowed myself to get lost in the culture differences and could tell that Josh was buzzing about everything happening around him. The permasmile…
The stumbling American
Josh has some pretty bad flight anxiety, but I think he’s starting to realize that it’s really not that bad to get over it naturally. On the flight to Chicago, he took very little Xanax and wasn’t as much of the usual annoyance that he can be when he’s loaded up on pills. We got…
That time, again.
The question I always seem to get before I head off on a new adventure is “are you excited?” Oddly enough…the answer is generally, no. I mean…that’s not to say I’m not excited…but it hasn’t gotten to me yet. I can’t check out until I’m on the plane for the first leg of this trip…it’s…
Stars at Night by the Pool in Barbados.
Stars at Night by the Pool in Barbados., a photo by Lunky Barsooth on Flickr.