Category: Europe 2010

  • The English Countryside

    Went out driving around today with Mick, his son Dave, and the dog, Duke. Dave, Duke, Mick and I had a great time driving around the Northwestern English countryside getting a PhD in English history from Mick. We headed out of Crewe towards Mow Cow and ended up taking a wide tour of areas within…

  • The “Crewe Services”

    Dear Pandora Visitor, We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict…

  • The Crew from Crewe

    As I sit in the train station at Crewe I noticed that I had some time to wait for my ride, so I figured I’d kick off the next blog entry. The sad thing is that I don’t have a great title for this one yet. Chances are I won’t finish in time anyway, so…

  • The pub culture

    “I saw this thing on iTV the other week, said, if she plays with her hair she’s probably keen…She’s playing with her hair well regularly, so I reckon I could well be in.” So, I’m listening to The Streets at my London flat tethered to my blackberry…which, by the way, is not supported in the…

  • The Dray

    Right, where were we. After leaving the coffee shop yesterday I set out for a little photography adventures around London. The fun thing about leaving the US is that everything is a little new and interesting to look at. I’m a bit of an observer myself, so I notice things like street signs, crosswalks, and…

  • The Irishman who says bollocks

    Yesterday I had posted that I was going to go out and try and take some pictures even though by the time I dragged my ass out of bed and took a shower it was well into the evening dark. To my credit, I was all prepared when I marched down the stairs with my…

  • The drunken live in

    So, we have some time to catch up on here. I’m sitting in my room above the pub about ready to get ready for the day after a heavy night of drinking. My heads a bit swimming but for the most part things are well. Right, let’s get up to date here. The flight over…

  • The best of times and timing

    I honestly didn’t think I’d be posting any updates until I actually got across the pond…but there is so much worth writing about and I’m already starting to feel the excitement so I thought I’d share those details with you, my loyal readers. I’ve always wondered what awaited savvy businessmen on the other side of…

  • The other site of the pond, again.

    What’s up loyal blog readers? Even though I get the feeling that I’m likely writing to four people, you’re my fans, and I love everyone of you! In November of 2004 I took a trip over to England with my family to visit my brother-in-law’s parents for Christmas holiday. It was a fun experience to…