Zac and I decided to take the Pacific Coast Highway out of Los Angeles today to get away from things. To be honest it was all quite uneventful but very beautiful. We stopped many times to watch the waves crash in on the shore and listen to the sound of the hollowing Pacific Coast. If you ever get the chance to drive up California’s coast, I highly recommend it.

We ended up in Santa Barbara long enough to drive down the strip and check out some of the action. Most of it is high dollar shopping that goes on forever. Trendy girls and guys walk the streets in a daze with their flavored coffee and their D&G sunglasses…too tacky for me really…however, if you’re an avid shopper I reckon it’d be a fun place to go to.
We stopped at a couple of places on the way back to look at the ocean near sunset. Took some long exposures and things as well with Zac’s Nikon. You’ll have to go over to my Flickr Page and check out all the pictures if you want to see all of them. Here’s the last shot of the ocean took on the Blackberry that day:

When we returned from this trip we headed over to Casey’s Irish Pub for a few last call beers. After that we came back to Zacs place to drink some whiskey and end up over at Jen’s apartment. She has a really cool pug that likes to play with Franklin, Zac’s Jack Russel. We all chatted and joked into the night getting to bed slightly before sunrise and unfortunately waking up just after.

A quick romp with the dogs and we all met up again and headed over to the 5c dinner for some upscale French Toast. Good stuff in a place that is really quite out of place.
In fact its quite odd because the street the diner is on happens to be a street that Zac and I constantly avoid when we walk back from the parking ramp or from stuff that is down 6th street…That’s the difference I talked about earlier between the day and the night here…The streets change throughout the cycle of the sun. Well, really its not the streets but the people that occupy them. There are echoes of both runs of life from the legitimate side of the quaint diners and pubs to the seedy poverty-stricken night time. Its a paradox that is quite interesting.

LA’s downtown is a life, a living breathing life. Whether good or bad it still defines a living, breathing beast.
Even more the neighborhood here around 5th and main is becoming like home. I was just telling everyone today that I feel like I could move out here and share a loft with a few people and that I would love it. I’m not sure if that would hold true or not, but its different and I’m starting to embrace that. I think a lot of my assumptions on California come from other people and as I become more familiar with it, I want to be part of all the chaos. Even though I constantly fear it will become Arizona Bay any time now (learn to swim).
Standing down at the Diner looking back up the street at Zac’s apartment reminded me of the prior night of scaling the building. From this angle you can see the fire escape that we climbed and the sign that Zac turned on to seduce his prey. It’s not quite as freaky looking back at this picture, but beleive me when you’re standing on ladder sitting on the side of a fifteenth story building, its gets freaky.

We walked down and up the street to get another good shot of the building and the sign. We went down Main toward the dive bar that would become our home the next day…Suddenly realized how big the building we scaled was.

And here is one last picture, not to labor too much on the point, but there is something cool about this old hotel buldng that Zac lves in. Beleive it or not it used to be a famous and prestigious place of lodging.
